PR // New reports on funding instruments and industry needs for energy R&I

ZABALA Innovation Consulting will present the SMARTSPEND project’s last two reports at the Workshop ‘Financing Clean Energy Transition in the Context of EU Recovery’

29th September 2020 – SMARTSPEND’s project partner, Luca Pira, from ZABALA Innovation Consulting, will present tomorrow, 30 September 2020, the ‘Mapping report on funding Instruments for energy innovation’ and the report on ‘Industry’s funding needs for the implementation of the SET Plan’ at the SMARTSPEND online workshop ‘Financing Clean Energy transition in the Context of EU Recovery’.

Both reports aim at supporting the coordination of the industrial participation in the SET Plan. In particular, they contribute to the involvement of the industry-driven associations and initiatives such as the European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs), the European Joint Technology Initiatives or other relevant public-private partnerships, and importantly the industrial actors.

Mapping report on funding instruments for energy innovation

This report provides an outlook of the available funding instruments for energy First of a Kind projects. The report guides the reader through available public (transnational, national and regional), and private funding instruments.

Industry’s funding needs for the implementation of the SET Plan

For this report, the authors identified industrial stakeholders from 11 sectors of the SET Plan implementation plans, covering: Materials, Bioenergy, Photovoltaics, Deep Geothermal, Energy Storage, Energy-efficient Buildings, Energy-efficient industry, Renewable Heating and Cooling, Ocean, Smart Networks, Wind.

The document provides a series of conclusions based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the industry’s experience on funding mechanisms and entities including main constraints (bureaucratic, administrative, legal) which can compromise the regular execution of R&I activities and implementation of the SET Plan.

Workshop ‘Financing Clean Energy Transition in the Context of EU Recovery’

The SMARTSPEND online workshop takes place on the 30th September 2020 from 11 am to 3 pm. Its program is designed to learn about public and private financing opportunities for clean energy projects. Clean energy innovators, national, regional and European policymakers, public and private funding experts and industry representatives will exchange inputs on the current funding for clean energy in Europe and what to expect in the upcoming recovery. Today registration is still possible via the event website.

SMARTSPEND is working on six reports, which will be disseminated to national governments and organisations interested in developing new innovative energy technology. All SMARTSPEND’s reports are available at  Stay informed about SMARTSPEND latest news by following the hashtag #SMARTSPEND_EU on Twitter and LinkedIn and by subscribing to the project newsletter via this link.